Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Give ur Lawn a Haircut!

When it comes to sharing lawn secrets, the first one on many garden experts' lips is mowing height. "Most people mow their lawns way too short, which stresses out the grass. The secret is do less, not more: "I'm a great believer in benign neglect. Raising the mower to the highest possible notch so you're mowing only the top third of the grass when you cut. Taller grass promotes better root development, as well as shading the ground so it doesn't dry out as fast. An added benefit: the taller grass blocks the sun that weed seeds require to germinate. And don't believe for a moment that leaving grass taller is going to mean mowing more often. There's a big misunderstanding that a lot of people have that if they cut it shorter, they won't have to mow it as often. "But that's absolutely false; it renews itself so fast that it doesn't save you any time."


  1. Where i live it is really hot in the summer time, and really cold in the winter. What do you think i should cut my grass at in the summer versus the winter? Summer temps are in the 100's here and winter's in the 30's and 40's.

  2. During periods of dry weather it is advisable to cut your grass slightly longer so that it allows the soil beneath it to retain water, longer grass ensures that it takes longer for the sun in dry spells to evaporate the water content in the soil, thus allowing it to last longer in conditions where it may not be possible to water it such as in the event of a hose pipe ban.
    When cutting the grass at any time of the year it is important to remember that although the grass looks healthy and may well be healthy, the cutting of the grass has a definite effect on the root system beneath the soil so special care must be taken to ensure that the grass length is conducive to sustaining healthy roots.
    Summer month's cut grass to 3"
    Winter month's cut grass to 2.25-2.5"
